Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Materials for Dogma Compre Review

Audio lectures (MP3), including detailed outline of each course (PDF), for your Dogma Compre review  are now available for copying in the library. Please bring your own USB Flashdrive. Ask Luz or Albert for the CDs.


  • Gospels
  • Christology
  • Trinity
  • Grace
  • Eschatology
  • Ecclesiology
  • Ecumenical Councils

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tesario 2

Tesario 2: Apostolic origin and historical value of the Gospels according to Dei Verbum. Content and composition of the three synoptic gospels and of the Acts of the Apostles. Presentation and commentary on some chosen passages. On the apostolic origin and historical value of the Gospels according to Dei Verbum, don't fail to read DV chapter 3 paragraphs 18 & 19.

On the content and composition of the three Synoptic Gospels and Acts, the book of Fr. Raymond Brown, Introduction to the New Testament is a good source. Review also your Synoptics-Acts notes--You may begin with the usual 5 W's and 1 T: Who is the author? When was the gospel written? Where was the gospel written? Why was the gospel written [audience]? What is the gospel all about?--for this last question you deal with in general with the content or the structure [literary outline] of the gospel. The capital T is the theology of each of the evangelist, especially his Christology (Who is Jesus for Mark, etc? What did Jesus do? What is Jesus' message?).

Note that Luke-Acts is considered as one presentation. You may also read the special introductions in commentaries on the gospels like the the ones in the Sacra Pagina series.
For quick over-view of these, you can go to site of Fr. Felix Just, SJ. We have also the audio of lecture of Fr. Felix Just in our library entitled: "New Testament: A Guided Tour." We have also the audio lectures with detailed study guides (nowyouknowmedia.com) on Matthew by Fr. Donald Senior, CP; Mark by Fr. John Donahue, SJ; Luke by Sr. Barbara Reid, OP; and John by Fr. Donald Senior, CP. Just ask Albert, our library staff.

For the chosen passages, you select to explain in an exegetical way one pericope from each Gospel = three pericopae at the minimum. You may use here your exegesis paper from your notes in our Synoptics classes. You can also visit some of our class notes posted here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

For the New Testament Christology see my notes on NT Christologies:
Synoptics Gospels

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tesario 1

Tesario 1: The Bible as the word of God: its inspiration according to Dei Verbum (Chaps. 1-3), relationship between Holy Scripture and Tradition; canons; interpretation of the text.
Tips: This question is refers to your Introduction to Sacred Scriptures T1 and Faith and Revelation T1 courses. You may use this guide (click here to download) for your answers.

For a quick review of Biblical Interpretation, you may use Felix Just, SJ here.

You can also take a look of my ppt presentation on Biblical Interpretation here - FLORES.

About Me

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Fr. Randy is the current Parish Priest and Rector of the Sacred Heart Parish Shrine in Quezon City, Philippines. He is also the Director of the Biblical Apostolate of the Diocese of Cubao and the coordinator for the Biblical Apostolate of the SVD Philippine Central Province. He teaches Biblical courses at the Divine Word Seminary, Tagaytay City. He holds a doctorate from the Ateneo de Manila University (PhD, 2015) and from the Loyola School of Theology (STD, 2014); Licentiate in Sacred Scripture (SSL, 1999) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome); an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry from the Divine Word Seminary  (1995). He served as president of the Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines (CBAP), chairperson of the Tagaytay Religious Association (TRA), Dean of Studies (Divine Word Seminary), and editor of the academic journal  Diwa: Studies in Philosophy and Theology. He founded the Certificate in Theological Studies (CTS) at the Divine Word Seminary and the SVD Tagaytay Alternative Learning System (SVD-ALS), an educational program for the out-of-school youth. Visit also his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/biblicalapostolateph